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Virtual-reality Enhanced Exoskeleton for Rehabilitation Controlled Via Reverse Engineering the Central Nervous System

In accordance with the goals of AggiE-Challenge, we aim to provide engineering undergraduates with opportunities to engage in multidisciplinary research focused on engineering challenges facing our society.
Focus of this project is on developing a virtual-reality enhanced upper limb exoskeleton for rehabilitation of stroke patients. Exoskeleton is an orthosis device worn by the patients which will enable automated physical therapy. To enhance the rehabilitation process, a virtual reality environment will be linked to the exoskeleton. Thus the research effort will include automation, control and programming tasks. Students will gain valuable experience in dealing with robotic systems and theoretical and practical challenges which can prepare them for the demands of industry and research sectors.
Desired Majors
Computer Science & Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Biomedical Engineering
Industrial & Systems Engineering
Engineering Technology & Industrial Distribution
Aerospace Engineering