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Performance: Science, Engineering and Humanities

The project uses performance as a medium to widen access, in this modern society, to Health and Well-Being, Science and Engineering and where possible to encourage more female representation in these fields.
Public engagement is at the core of the project with Science and Engineering students promoting their areas of study in an accessible and user-friendly setting working alongside students from Education and Humanities. Students on this project work together throughout the creative process with the performance outcome taking whatever form suits the requirements of the concept or problem identified by the Science / Engineering students. The subject under investigation is determined by the students who devise a piece of theatre specifically for their chosen target audience. To support the decision-making process students are given access to the Scottish School Curriculum, Government and Industry Science and Engineering priorities. Students examine theatre conventions, through workshop activities provided by the lead academic and students with an education and theatre background, enabling group to select the form or mixed form of performance mode/s relevant to the Science, Engineering of Well-Being theme.
Tools and Methods
Physical Theatre
Choral Verse
Hot Seating
Dance Drama
Visual Symbolism
Desired Majors
In recent years, innovative and unusual approaches to disseminating scientific knowledge and information have been used to reach the general public such as professors of science who encourage audiences to open their minds to science through the medium of Stand-Up Comedy routines. Since 1989, as part of the Edinburgh International Science Festival, an initiative called ‘Generation Science’ has toured schools with workshops and presentations that are drama based. The content of these presentations is provided by science advisors; the factual information is then placed into narrative form by a creative writing team with a director and actors presenting the material through workshops and performance. There is therefore a demand for subject specialists to work within interdisciplinary conditions in industry, commerce, government and education