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Developing a Setup to Mass Produce Nanofibers with Applications in Water Purification

Our goal is to establish the first prototype to manufacture polymeric nanofiber mats in a scalable, solvent-free and environmentally friendly manner which is then to be applied for water purification. Students are split up into 2 teams: The team 1 will be in charge of material processing, such as microfiber fabrication as precursor to nanofibers, while team 2 will be in charge of the development of the setup, including the design of the setup and 3D printing of the required parts.
Scalable manufacturing of nanofibers paves their way into the society for a wide range of applications, including water purification, which is the major focus of this effort. Nanofibers, when produced in large quantities, can also be used as the building blocks of multifunctional nanocomposites.
Desired Majors
Aerospace Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Material Science & Engineering
Civil Engineering