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Design and Evaluation of Nanoscale Drugs for Glioblastoma.

Lotte and John Hecht Memorial Foundation
The main goal of this project is to develop and evaluate the efficacies of nanosclae drugs that can simulataneously arrest glioblastoma cell proliferation and stimulate the immune system to arrest the disease.
Natural products known to have efficacy for gliobalstoma will be incorporated into monodisperse silica nanoaprticles and silane analogs. Established human cell line LN-229 will be treated with different doses of these nanoparticle drugs and the expression levels of key oncogenes will be monitored to determine if growth and proliferation of these cells is arrested. Factors such as time of treatment, dosage, and nanoaprticle size will be studied to determine the optimum conditions. Additionally the SN-K-AS T-cell immune cells will be treated with these drugs to determine their efficacies for promoting the activity of the immune cells. The effect of the nanoscale drugs on the combined population of LN-229 gliobalstoma and SN-K-As T-cells will be evlauted to understand their efficacies for stimulating the immue system to combat gliobalstoma. These in vitro studies are useful models for determining the therapeutic efficacies of nanoscale drugs for gliblastoma treatment.
Tools and Methods
Nanoparticle synthesis and characterization
Synthesizing drug-nanoparticle composites
Mammalian cell cultures
Gene expression levels by quantitative PCR.
Optica spectroscopy
Optical microscopy
Desired Majors
Molecular biology
Biomedical Engineering
Students interested in studying molecular level characterization of drug-cancer cell interaction and performing genetic analysis. Basic knowledge of biochemistry and molecular biology principles and techniques is beneficial.
Lotte and John Hecht Memorial Foundation