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Project Management and Implementation in EcoCAR 3

E. J. Jambor
T. H. Bradley
The EcoCAR 3 competition is the latest iteration of the Advanced Vehicle Technology Competitions sponsored by General Motors (GM) and the Department of Energy (DOE). The competition involves 16 universities from the US and Canada and requires the teams to design, develop, and implement a hybrid Chevrolet Camaro from the platform of GM’s choosing. The Colorado State University (CSU) team is a unique participant in this competition because it implements the program as a subset of the Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering senior capstone courses. The advantages of this arrangement are that EcoCAR 3 can leverage course deliverables to achieve EcoCAR 3 objectives, and that students can receive credit for their efforts in support of the EcoCAR 3 program. The challenges with this approach center around having two sets of deliverables (competition and academic) on overlapping timelines with shared resources. These challenges must be resolved through project management activities to successfully meet all of the deadlines and requirements of each program.
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