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Golf Coast Undergraduate Research Symposium - Rice University - 10/6/2018

Golf Coast Undergraduate Research Symposium - Rice University - 10/6/2018
Rice University is pleased to host the sixth annual Gulf Coast Undergraduate Research Symposium (GCURS)! We welcome students conducting research in engineering and natural science fields to participate in GCURS, which will be Saturday, October 6, 2018, on the Rice campus.

GCURS provides undergraduate researchers the opportunity to present original research discoveries to scholars from around the world. Participants give 12-15 minute individual presentations which include a question-and-answer period. Following the presentations, faculty mentors provide coaching to each student. Past participants have shared that GCURS helps to foster interdisciplinary, intercollegiate fellowship.

For a full list of participating divisions, details on how to register, and more, students may visit gcurs.rice.eduHere is student perspective on the GCURS experience. A flyer is attached. Please feel free to share this invitation with students and advisers. Advisers are welcome to join the symposium as mentors. The registration deadline is September 12. Accommodations and limited travel awards are available to participants. In addition, students are encouraged to explore funding opportunities from their home institution.

We look forward to welcoming your students and learning about their discoveries! Please contact me if you have any questions.