Ed Coyle, Director VIP @ GT, travels to Colombia to visit two universities
Today the Director of VIP @ GT, Ed Coyle, travels to two unviersities in Colombia! The first, Universidad Del Norte, is located in Baranquilla, Colombia. The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering launched the Universidad del Norte VIP Program in Spring 2017, becoming the first VIP Program in South America. They started operations with 2 teams working in alternative energy sources, digital signal processing and autonomous robots. Their current focus is on expanding the program to other departments, creating truly multi-disciplinary teams. In the medium term, they plan to share the VIP model with other institutions in Colombia and the rest of South America.
The second university that Dr. Coyle plans to visit is Universidad Icesi in Cali, Colombia. Their VIP program will be co-directed by Efrain Pinto and Andres Alberto Aristizabal Pinzon. Efrain and Andres visited our annual VIP Consortium in May and were a great addition to the conference! We know that as their program develops, South America will be a leading continent for VIP!
(Pictured above are Efrain and Andres at our VIP Consortium on May 10th -11th in Atlanta, GA.)